We’re b-aaa-cccc-kkk!
The Culinary Center has reopened with an emphasis on safety. You can now make an appointment to visit the safest place in the tri-state area to test equipment and supplies.
Al Fresco, curbside, pick-up lockers, touchless, grocery & meal kit – see all of the latest solutions for safely re-opening, re-starting, and re-invigorating foodservice.
Extra precautions have been established to keep our staff and customers safe and comfortable. We are open for business!
Pithy Aphorisms for those still in quarantine or otherwise bored
It’s not whether you win or lose, but how you place the blame. You are not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on. We have enough “youth”. How about a fountain of “smart”? The original point and click interface was a Smith & Wesson. A Fool and his money can throw one heck of a party When blondes have more fun, do they know it? Five days a week my body is a temple. The other two it’s an amusement park. LEARN FROM YOUR PARENTS’ MISTAKES USE BIRTH CONTROL Money isn’t everything, but it sure keeps the kids in touch. Don’t Drink and Drive You might hit a bump and spill something. If at first you don’t succeed skydiving is not for you Reality is only an illusion that occurs due to a lack of alcohol. We are born naked, wet and hungry. Then things get worse. Red meat is not bad for you Fuzzy green meat is bad for you. Ninety-nine percent of all lawyers give the rest a bad name. Xerox and Wurlitzer will merge to produce reproductive organs. Alabama state motto: At least we’re not Mississippi ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IS NO MATCH FOR NATURAL STUPIDITY. The latest survey shows that three out of four people make up 75% of the population The reason Politicians try so hard to get re-elected is that they would ‘hate’ to have to make a living under the laws they’ve passed. |