This week we are concentrating on re-calibrating our foodservice calendars!  The NAFEM countdown has begun & back-to-school preparations are in full swing.  Fall conferences are within sight and vacations are winding down.
Synchronize your watches, as we buckle in for the ride.
Insinger is getting ready for NAFEM 2017 and wanted you to countdown the days with us!
We have created a Countdown to NAFEM website that we thought you would enjoy!
Go to and make it your homepage!
Blodgett – Market Forge will has planned an additional dealer training for September 19-21, 2016.
It will begin upon your arrival in Vermont on the 19th for dinner with the class.
Training will take place at the factory on the 20th and 21st, with departure on the afternoon of the 21st .
A more formal announcement is forth coming, but PLEASE DO NOT DELAY YOUR RESPONSE!
They have set the limit at 14 people and if you don’t plan ahead and commit quickly, my others will take your spot.
Knowledge is power.