The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
By Ed Pecinka
After spending the last couple of weeks traversing the Metro marketplace providing demonstrations and training for the many new and remodeled schools we have been fortunate enough to supply equipment for, it has become evident why this time, Labor Day, is referred to by many as “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year”.
After recharging our batteries in the summer, September allows us all to “start anew”, “hit the reset button”.
School children are all a year older ( at least academically) branding new clothes and shoes. In my case, my youngest son started his first year of college, beginning a new life and career.
This is the perfect time for all of us to take a deep breath, refocus, and put strategies in place to close 2018 strong.
Get yourself something new to wear, a new china pattern, or better yet, a whole new kitchen.
Enjoy the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.