The Future of Pizza Production is Automated

In an industry where efficiency and consistency are king, the integration of automated technology in pizza production is not just a trend. By automating processes like cheese shredding, sauce application, and even dough handling, foodservice operators are experiencing a significant transformation in how they operate.

Automated Cheese Shredders

Cheese, a quintessential ingredient in pizza, can be a labor-intensive item to prepare. Enter the automated cheese shredder from Globe. This shredder can shred whole blocks of cheese, which is more cost-efficient, at record speed — 65 pounds per minute! Plus, while pre-shredded cheese may seem easier, the taste and melt quality don’t compare to freshly shredded cheese. This not only speeds up the pizza-making process but also ensures each pizza has the perfect amount of cheese.

Automated Cheese Shredders

Precision in Sauce Application

Wunder-Bar has mastered the art of adding sauce to pizza in a very high-tech way. The heavy-duty roto-molded pizza sauce dispenser is a low cost, fast and efficient system that uses a linear arm to apply the precise amount of sauce consistently and accurately while spreading it proportionally onto the dough. The Autosaucer can handle different sizes and dough types and can be programmed for your unique pizza specifications.  

Rolling in the Dough

When it comes to pizza dough, Doyon’s Hydraulic Dough Divider evenly divides up to 35 pounds of dough into 20 even pieces at a time, and it’s four times faster than doing it by hand. Forget about rounding your dough by hand, too. Doyon’s Automatic Dough Rounder saves you time and produces a consistent ball shape every time for portions from 7 ounces to 36 ounces. Need a spiral mixer? Check out Doyon for a large line of spiral mixers with higher horsepower than comparable sized versions.   

Doyon’s Hydraulic Dough Divider

Automation for the Win

  1. Increased Efficiency: Automation speeds up the pizza-making process, allowing operators to serve more customers in less time.
  2. Consistency and Quality: Automated machines provide consistent results, which means every pizza is as good as the last.
  3. Labor Savings: Automating repetitive tasks reduces the strain on staff, allowing them to focus on more creative and customer-focused aspects of the job.
  4. Cost-Effectiveness: Over time, the investment in automation technology pays off through savings elsewhere.

The world of pizza making is evolving, and we’re here to help you stay ahead of the curve. Get in touch!