So there are these new factories that we represent, HIMI – with unique solutions to pre-rinses and strip curtains – and Natura – presenting water in a different way. Then, there are our heritage brands that continually improve their offerings to stay apace with the market.
Short of the Pope endorsing them, how do we communicate the messages to those (like you) that need to be aware?
The trade show has now become an obligation, rather than an opportunity. Newsletters can, at best, boast a 25% – 33% open rate from the readership, which in itself only represents a fraction of the folks that should be engaged. Print media typically gathers dust on desks, foyers, and bathrooms. Many of us now eschew physical appointments, as our workloads preclude them.
Direct mail, outbound telemarketing, social media (both earned and paid), webinars, video: how do YOU get your product news?
As the Boomers pass the baton over to the Millennials, decades of hard-fought industry knowledge must also be transferred. Are we all willing participants in this transaction? Mutual suspicion, can certainly hinder progress.
Is anyone listening? 