Giving Thanks By Ed Pecinka It is that time of the year. My favorite time of the year, where we take time out of our busy schedules, gather together with family, reflect on our blessings and give thanks. With the many “new blessings” that we have and will be...
“It was 20 years ago today, Sergeant Pepper taught the band to play…” Forty five years ago, in 1972, Messrs. McKeever & Dumbach formed a rep agency in metropolitan New York. This was to be the antecedent to today’s Pecinka Ferri....
The countdown is over! We’ve launched our new line-up. It’s a blast. Here’s a first peek. Coming soon – a new educational initiative for the foodservice industry. CLICK HERE for a full-sized .pdf interactive version
Pecinka Ferri will be taking on a new look this week: Please join us in welcoming our new associate, Rebecca Salisbury to the team. It is with great sadness that we bid a fond farewell to Hatco, a line that we’ve represented for over four decades! We wish...
Like so many hoodlums wearing hoodies in the ‘hood, many commercial cooking devices masquerade as ventless appliances. In breathless whispers, their marketers try to hoodwink us into believing that all are altruistic Robin Hoods – removing effluent from...