The Horstman Inn was expanding to accommodate all the masquerade parties, Thanksgiving meals and office holiday festivities that they’d been booking.

It was early autumn, so they were inclined to fall for a plan to change the colors in the dining room while adding much-needed additional seating.

Their cooking capacity presented a whole other set of challenges. Increasing it, they thought, required a Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde transformation to the premises. The last time that they attempted to modernize got them into hot water with the historic preservation folks.
Everyone along the Hudson valley knew Irving Washington, the creator of Ichabod’s Crane Service, for his sleepy demeanor (and hollow promises). Legend had it that he was able to install those ugly exhausts on top of a roof so that you couldn’t tell if it was a mushroom fan or a poisonous mushroom!
It was super-natural therefore, that when tradesmen were called in, Washington was the first to cross the river and survey the site.
The task at hand was no ride through the pumpkin fields.

The hood-less Horstman Inn had been operating with a kitchen that appeared to have been sleeping for one hundred years! But now, they really needed to cook, but how would they mitigate the vapors?
The inn-keepers, Katrina & Brom Bones were immediately spooked by the high cost of running ductwork through their ancient walls.
The specter of rigging fans to the roof of their historic building was menacing; mounting these on their beautiful inn was frightening. They decided that Ichabod’s Crane service must be eliminated (from the project).

Commercial kitchen installations are among the most complex construction projects. Taking up huge swaths of space in a facility and using multiple connections to every utility in a building present only a portion of the challenges. Renovations, especially in older structures add several layers of additional considerations.
As Halloween and Thanksgiving approached, time was running out. They didn’t stand a ghost of a chance to make their deadline.

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