🎇 Happy Independence Day! 🎆

Happy 4th of July, Half-way through 2016, celebrating our nation’s birth, and enjoying the beautiful summer. Who’s better than us? Proud to be an American in this election year. Enjoy the holiday and stay safe. Last year’s fireworks as seen from...

🔧 Unfulfilled Service Expectations 🔌

Somewhere between a factory deciding that they’ll ship a sub-par product to be “fixed in the field” and an end-user proclaiming “get YOUR equipment out of here, and get me a new one” is a less polarizing alternative. We’d all like...

🍓🍓 Juicy Treats 🍓🍓

Finally, fruit! Strawberries are ripe and ready.  Locavores rejoice!  Along with the springtime staples of ramps, garlic scapes and asparagus, the local farms are rolling out their long-awaited 2016 early crops. Thus begins this year’s produce bounty; we can...